Friday, July 30, 2021





Nothing reveals the state of a Man's heart better than his disposition to money and luxury. Apostle James, a preacher of practical Christian Living in Chapter five of his book when you read from verses one to six condemned strongly fraudsters and people who get their wealth through dishonest means, my emphasis is on the fifth verse.


Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. James 5:5 (KJV)


The day of Slaughter is a figure of speech for describing the concept of fatted calf. In Agriculture, the fatted calf is separated from the rest of the cow and it is kept in a separate place in the ranch.


The rancher will then feed the calf the best of grass till it become very fat. The essence of feeding it that much is to make the calf very fat and prepare it for slaughter.


Don't envy the wicked!


That yahoo boy in your area don't envy him at all, is it because of the exotic cars he drives around or his luxurious apartment?


Why will you envy the fatted calf?


They are heading for destruction!